Friday, July 1, 2011

Holding On.

People should come into your life to enhance it.  Many of us allow individuals to "rain on our parades" and speak negative words over lives. We can not see pass the fog of negativity and hurt surrounding us. Like a ship drifting on a dangerous sea, we are searching for a beacon of light to cut through the dense fog and guide us towards the right direction.  

Why do we allow negative people to dictate our emotions and actions? Why do we permit seasonal folks to stay annually? Some people come into our lives for a season, and they were not meant to stay. We push away the good ones because we are still holding on to the wrong ones.  

“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."

 For example, department stores and companies hire seasonal employee to help during the high volume times such as holidays and major sales. After theses sales, you won't see a seasonal employee on the floor. Department stores and companies know when it is time to release those seasonal people. Why are we still holding on? 

Surrounding yourself with love and positive people.